Daily Inspiration – Throw a spanner in the Works & Change things up.

Quote of the Day. 

Do you do the same old thing the same old way, do you go out to the same places, eat the same food have the same drinks? Do you complain about the same things to the same people? Has life become predictable because it is very easy to fall into that trap and to keep to what is comfortable and familiar but when you do this you lose the excitement of NEWNESS. How many new first times have you had lately, admittedly the older you get the harder it gets which is why it is important to never stop challenging yourself to never stop trying new things and going to new places. For example I went out last night with some friends and we went to a new funky restaurant that does excellent cocktails and had a great time, there was a different crowd of people to where we would usually go and I really enjoyed it. In fact I make it a point to regularly go somewhere that I have never been before or even if it is a familiar restaurant I will try something new, what’s the worst thing that can happen you don’t like it.. Ok so lesson learnt for next time and you dont have it again. Also its good to put yourself in different environments because you learn new things meet new people and this is especially important if you want to build your confidence because the more you challenge yourself the more you will grow. If you change nothing then nothing changes. Guess what folks its all on you. Yep the responsibility is yours, its up to you to try something new to go somewhere different to talk to new people, its a big world out there and there is so much on offer that there is no excuse to be bored or get stuck in a routine so get out there and try something different!

.............................................................................start again

Daily Affirmations. 

“I am responsible for my happiness and I choose to do the things that make me happy because I am worth it”

“Today I challenge myself to do something different and I will not allow fear of the unknown to prevent me from exploring all that life has to offer me”

“I am have the power to do something different, I have the ability to try new things, I am exciting and excitable , I am interesting and interested and I get the best out of life everyday”


Daily Focus. 

Today I want you to try something different. Even if you keep to your usual daily routine try and find a way to switch it up just to keep things fresh. So if you are going to spend the day cleaning your house start in a different room put different music on while you are doing it and dance about a bit and just have fun. If you are going to work put on something different or funky that you have always been too afraid to wear. Approach your work differently change your thought process or your attitude towards it. If you go for a walk everyday choose a different route and make sure that you are really looking at your surroundings rather than being oblivious to the life that you are living. Whatever you do find a way to change it up and make this a regular habit. You are not a robot so find things to keep you excited and interested and let me know what you did differently today.

Hope you have a great day my friend and please share and follow this post by email.

Much love T. x

One thought

  1. Very thought provoking and inspirational! This was definitely THE DAY to read this as I am in a creative rut after buying a “fixer-upper” house in the country. However, my slight OCD of spellcheck/grammatical errors were distracting. Im adding your page to my Favorites!

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