Stop trying to be somebody you are not 

Too often people want to be different to who they are. They want to be something they are not, whether that is taller, shorter, thinner, have different colour hair, eyes, want a bigger family, smaller family. We all want what we haven’t got but that takes a lot of energy and quite often, what we think we want is really unobtainable anyway, and wanting what you can’t have will only lead to misery and a lack of confidence. When you want to be something other than what and who you are, you are essentially saying to yourself that you are not good enough. Why not take that precious energy and focus it on accepting and liking yourself as you are right now this very minute, but the question is do you know who you really are, because I do. I know exactly who you are. You are a wonderfully unique person who has a purpose in this life (even if you don’t know what it is yet) you are beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside, whether you choose to believe that or not is up to you but you are incredible just as you are. You are kind and giving and have plenty of love to share. You want the world to be a better place, you want people to be happy, you want to be happy. You are special, you are amazing, you are loveable, you are fantastic so learn to love the person you are because you are worth loving just as you are, and remember NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER GIVE IN BECAUSE YOU ARE AMAZING.

Daily Motivations –

101 Journal Questions for Women –

The Big Book of Affirmations –

The Self Esteem Workbook –

The Happiness Journal – 

My 365 Day Guided Journal –

And don’t forget to subscribe to the website and please feel free to share to your social media via the buttons below. Much Love. Tony T.

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